Emotive Audio's Sira Preamp |
Emotive Audio Caeli Mono Block SET Amp |
Moondog Audio 3 Watt SET Amplifier |
Small Components with Point Pods |
Konus Audio's Essence Single-Driver Loudspeaker |
Spectral Preamp |
Sony 777 SACD player |
47 Labs PiTracer |
Balanced Audio Technology |
B.A.T. VK6200 amplifier |
B.A.T.'s Viktor Khomenko |
Rollerblocks under a Marantz carousel CD player |
Avantgarde Duo on Svelte Shelf |
Avantgarde Trio on the Ultra Platform |
Levinson amplifier |
VPI Aries Turntable |
Cary 1610 Single Ended Triode Amplifier |
MBL system in a 42x24 Precision Rack |
Wadia Transport on Double Stack Rollerblocks |
Spectral Monoblock Amplifier |
Faroudja 5000 Video Scaler on Rollerblocks |
Verity Audio Parsifal, Makore wood, with Rollerblocks plus Svelte Shelf center section, and Ultra bases |
conrad-johnson Premier 11 Amplifier |
Avantgarde's handsome Barrio |
Kuzma Turntable on Stealth Ultra Platform |